Sunday, September 22, 2024

Next years projects

 Most of the big projects on the house are done, there will always be stuff to do but so far I'm pretty happy. The next years big projects will be this:

I will make half of it to a guest room and the other half to a little work shop for myself. I've always wanted that so I am really looking forward to it. Another big project is building a little green house, also something I've always wanted, but I don't think I will be able to do both next year. We'll see. 

As it is now, I'm very tired and feel like I've done enough for this year, it's good it's soon winter so I can rest. Well, I am resting a lot right now since I had surgery on my foot three weeks ago and can't do a lot of stuff, so that's good. There are still a few things on my list that I'm supposed to do before winter, hopefully the foot will heal as expected so I can do that before the snow comes. And then I will rest, I promise! ;)

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