Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Long time no see...

 It's been over a year since I posted anything. I have been so busy and working hard on the house. I am getting there though. Slowly but steady. And I must say that I am a bit proud of myself for not giving up. I have a feeling that many would by now. But all is basically done inside. What I have left is to build a deck, I will do that on my vacation that starts in about 10 days. After that there's some things to do in the yard, I will get help from my dad with that, his excavator is here so I will have some digging done. Then I need to do the rest of the roof, I did half of it a month ago and will do the rest after the other outdoor stuff is done. Then I am basically done. Well, with the things I HAVE to do. After that I will do stuff that I want to do that isn't super important. Like building a greenhouse. I will try to start adding pictures again. But I can't guarantee it lol.

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