Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lax or lox or whatever

Lazy day today. It's almost 14.00 and I'm still in my pajamas. I think It will remain that way for the rest of the day. *stretches and yawns*
I had a wonderful salmon bagel for breakfast. Or as I understand American calls it, lox.
Okay, I had to look that word up and this is interesting: "Lox. ... From the Yiddish word for salmon — laks — lox is a cured (not smoked) preparation often made with the fatty belly of the fish. Lox is salt-cured, which means the salt mixture (usually a combination of salt, sugar, herbs, spices and citrus zest) draws out the fish's moisture."
In Sweden salmon is called "lax" and it's usually natural, warm smoked, cold smoked or gravad. And gravad is what they call lox. I rarely use lox on my bagels, I prefer cold smoked salmon. But gravad lax, or lox, is really simple to do yourself, all that is needed is salt, sugar and dill. I've done it many times and it's yummy.
Okay, that got long and I went out with the dog in the middle of it so now it's 14.40 here and I am starting to get restless. I might put on my face and pants and go for a drive. 

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