Thursday, February 16, 2017


Lately I've had some problems, I can't concentrate and I forget stuff. Ok, It's been going on for about a year now but it's getting worse. I can't remember some stuff I said or even done. I can't remember how to do tasks that I've done several times a day for more than 7 years. I forget passwords and transaction codes that I use every day as well. But the most scary of all is that I have had times when I talk to people and I suddenly can't understand a word they are saying. It's like they talk a language that I don't understand. But one funny thing about it is that when it happens, I can see the sentence in my head but the words are rearranged so I can't figure out what it means. And when I say see I mean I see letters lol. I don't know how to explain but if someone is saying "I went to the store earlier" what my brain process it as is "Iwe nttot hesto reear lier". It doesn't matter if the person is speaking Swedish or English. It happened a few times when I was talking to T when he was here and it happened again this week when we had visitors from the office in England. And it also happens when the person speaks Swedish. It's usually only one sentence and then it's back to normal. But it's really, really scary. I went to my "brain doc" last wednesday and he took a lot of blood to test to make sure it's not a lack of something in my body. Like B12 or D-vitamin or so. Going back there tomorrow to se what the tests said. Fingers crossed that it's simple to fix. Fucking idiot brain. lol

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