Monday, June 10, 2013

Oh Really? lol

So I was surfing around and stumbled upon a page with sextrology hahaha. Apparently the signs want to have sex in different ways *giggles* This is what it said about me. I like the "Best position" best hahaha. But actually I like role playing but that they don't even mention... hmpf! lol ^_^ Fun to read anyway. ;)

Sagittarius (November 22 -December 21)
Sago’s are very playful and laid back. They also like to embellish their stories. They are spontaneous and adventurous in the bedroom. When they find “the one” they are dedicated full time as long as the other is devoted as much.
  • Sagittarius Man in Bed: He loves to pursue, however he can be quite selfish in the bedroom. When in a relationship, if sex is withheld, he will look for it somewhere else.
  • Sagittarius woman in bed: Sago women change their mind often and can be hard to keep up with. Sago women are very adventurous in the bedroom and is very open minded. They will hide their emotions, so it is hard to read them.
  • Best Position: They will do anything, and like it more than once.
  • Sagittarius Hot Spots: Sago’s rule the hips and thighs. So grip and grab them gently. Try stroking and massaging.
  • Sagittarius Compatibility: Compatible With: Leo, Aries, Aquarius and Libra

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