Friday, June 21, 2013

Damn cat

Tired to the bones and wish I could go to bed but one of my cats snuck out when I was going out for a smoke and now I can't find her. Little bitch! *sigh* So tomorrow (well today because it's over midnight) it's Midsummers eve. One of my favorite days in the year. It's a really big thing here in Sweden and a public holiday. Everybody get together with friends and family and eat and drink. But not me. I will spend the whole day alone and I am extremely happy about it. The forecast says rain and thunder so I am going to spend the day on the couch eating strawberries and reading. Will be wonderful. I love the silence and I love being alone. *yawns* I wish the damn cat would come now so I can sleep. Had really vivid dreams lately and I remember them. It's been a long time since I remembered my dreams. That's nice. *yawns again* Ok, I'll check if I can find the cat again and then I'll go to bed and visit my happy place. Where everything is simple and the one I love loves me too. Over and out... lol

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