Sunday, May 26, 2013

Where does it all come from?

The last night in the old house. There is still stuff to be packed. I don't understand it, I don't have much things and still it never seem to end? Well, it will probably all fit in the car so it's not that much but anyway... Strange. Where does it all come from? I'm tired as hell. I mean dead tired. Just want this move to be over with so I can relax and hopefully sleep well again. The last will be moved tomorrow and the day after that I'm going back to clean the house and mow the lawn. I won't have a lawn at the new house because it's built on cliffs... YAY! I fuckin hate gardening. Seriously, really hate it.
I am done with the painting and hanging wall papers in the new house also. Was done today a couple of hours ago. Feels good and look REALLY nice. Pics to come of course. ^_^

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