Monday, June 27, 2011

George Rodrigue

Another artist I like is George Rodrigue. A Cajun artist that has galleries on several locations. One of them is located in New Orleans. I was so close to go there when I visited USA last fall but had to put it on hold. New Orleans is one of my dream places to visit. Maybe someday I will be able to go there. And when I do I want to listen to blues, eat spicy cajun food and visit George Rodrigues gallery! He is mostly famous for his Blue Dog paintings. I soooo want a blue dog! :D Just love the strong, bright colors he use in his art.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Alex Grey

Just because I simply like his art. I hope I got the names on the pieces right.

Wonder - Alex Grey

Dragon VS Phoenix - Alex Grey

Kissing - Alex Grey

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I saw this picture and it got straight into every little cell in my body and I almost started crying. To me this is what true love looks like. Being lit up from the inside. I've felt like that once.

Artist: ALEX GREY (one of my faves. Go check out his other stuff, it's great!)
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